Work Package 1 aims to increase and build the scientific capacity of researchers in widening country institutions in the PHENOWEX project through workshops, training/summer schools and short-term scientific missions.
Aim of the project
PHENOWEX aims to enhance the scientific excellence and innovation capacity of two institutions in the Eastern Mediterranean Region, namely EGE university in Turkey and CYENS – Centre of Excellence in Cyprus, in the field of high throughput phenotyping with the assistance of top-class leading partners from across Europe. the Eastern Mediterranean Region (EMR) is not yet fully integrated into this ecosystem, although it has exceptional potential for HTP studies. Furthermore, the aim is to detect diverse fields around Izmir/Türkiye and around the island of Cyprus, i.e., most appropriate locations to perform crop phenotyping, choosing diverse landscapes, environmental and geomorphological conditions. Unsupervised clustering techniques will be used to choose diverse weather and geomorphological conditions, as well as diverse types of plants/crops. Moreover, aerial photography via drones and satellite imagery will be used, together with AI computer vision techniques to detect and characterize crops’ phenology in various agricultural fields of Cyprus. Hyperspectral imaging will be employed via high-precision sensors installed on drones, together with LIDAR sensors), to detect with high accuracy and confidence the crop’s status and health.

Work Packages
WP1: Enhancing the scientific excellence capacity
WP2: Central research experiments to build up and bundle the HTP technology
Work Package 2 will focus on demonstration of the improved capacity of research, innovation and excellence with the real-world implementation of various HTP approaches in pilot studies conducted in the countries of the widening partners with the active involvement of the partners from the in leading countries.
WP3: Enhancing regional implementation, integration, and sustainability
Work Package 3 aims at advancing plant phenotyping capabilities in the Eastern Mediterranean region. It encompasses steps that include stakeholder engagement, development of a valuable guide, establishment of a roadmap, preparation of a Horizon Europe R&I proposal.
WP4: Improving research management and administration capacities at CYENS and EGE
Work Package 4 is designed to enhance the skills, knowledge, and expertise of administrative staff at CYENS and EGE across various critical domains by elevating overall project management and administration practices.
WP5: Communication, dissemination and exploitation
Work Package 5 aims to facilitate the effective sharing of knowledge, research findings, and innovations generated by the PHENOWEX with its intended audiences, thereby contributing to both scientific excellence and societal benefits.
WP6: Project management
Work Package 6 will ensure the successful implementation of the project. The organization of and scheduling the activities committed in the work packages (e.g. workshops, shot-visits, trainings, pilot studies) will be clarified.

Founded as legal person on 18 November 1923, Cnr’s mission is to perform research in its own Institutes, to promote innovation and competitiveness of the national industrial system, to promote the internationalization of the national research system, to provide technologies and solutions to emerging public and private needs, to advice Government and other public bodies, and to contribute to the qualification of human resources.

This project is funded by the European Union under the Grant Agreement n. º 101160158.